Resentments: Common Feelings

Resentments: Common Feelings

I don’t know about you, but I have had plenty of resentments, displeasures, and setbacks along my journey.


It would take years of me learning what root is behind resentments. Unmet expectation’s. Several decades passed before the Lord spoke to me about the root of my resentments. It is common to experience this emotion when treated poorly or done wrong in matters. That’s life. People are human, complex and will let you down. Sometimes they will have the best intentions, but things just happen. Whereas they can’t keep a promise. But what if it’s God that you resent?

In 2019, I was reading one of my morning devotionals and it popped off the page. Like never before, a statement. That caught me off guard. In essence, it said, that I was unhappy with God’s dealings with me and my journey pain. For the most part, I try to be consistent. Live with integrity. Mine my own business. Do what’s right in situations, and always try to meet needs of those crossing my path that need help. So, let’s look at resentments.


 Okay. Here I go. I am going back to one of my favorite sources. Goodtherapy defines it this way, “Feelings of resentment are not linked to any particular mental condition but may instead result from the inadequate expression of emotions after a painful experience. They may come from a true, imagined, or misunderstood injustice. A careless comment made by a friend could facilitate indignation and grudging feelings, as could criticism from a boss.” Now let’s look at expectations.


A good read – Expectations – the real happiness killer. “Expectations are the strong belief that something will happen. More than anything else, our  expectations determine our reality. And our expectations also impact those around us. In a self-fulfilling prophecy, people may rise or fall depending on our expectations and beliefs. Research shows that this happens because when we believe in someone… “ I want you to read the article.


A tiny summary blurb on disappointments. Straight to the point. Dealing with Disappointment. “Disappointments are inevitable, and how we cope with them is often a defining moment in our lives. How we respond to disappointment is often influenced by our upbringing; some people seek to avoid disappointment by underachieving (setting their expectations permanently low) while others seek to avoid it by overachieving (setting their expectations unattainably high).” Please read the entire snippet. It was the closes review that I liked. And it is expressive. Shedding light on the subject.

The one thing, I am learning is, thinking what is best for us. It may not be best in the long run. Expectations, disappointments and resentments are choices we make. We choose to feel this way. But I want you to understand. You shouldn’t equate a negative outcome to what you call a perceived personal failing.

 Personal experience -

Mysteries of God is much higher than our feeble minds. When you go back and look at how the human body functions. The intricate connections of all its members. You can’t help but to stand in awe. God made the human body. Equally, God’s thoughts surpass our thoughts. They are much higher. Isaiah 55:9. He knows the beginning and the end of each person life (aka journey).

Right now, I will finish my beginning post story. My relationship with my mother has driven me back to praying. Reading my word and trying to say as little as possible. My experiences with her over the last couple of years has been mentally exhausting. So, I have spent alone time with God, trying to be receptive to his voice. God brought me back full circle to that statement He made, a few years ago. This morning, the Lord revealed to me that I resented him for some of my life experiences. Some unanswered prayers. Those things that I thought were right and the outcome was different. But when the Lord revealed this to me again. I stopped and started thinking about why I wasn’t allowing God to use me more.

I have some healing from Him that's needed. In other words, I placed a band aid onto this issue(s) and wouldn’t allow Him to touch it. For the most part, I suppress things, and try to move forward. Yet this isn’t good. You must release these emotions, thoughts, and fears onto someone. We’re not an island unto ourselves. And I need to add, you can only go so far with another human being. In expressing oneself. Now and then, your load will be much too heavy for someone to carry. Think about what they have to carry. Including their own shortcomings, doubts, fears and life problems.

God has blessed me so much in my life. I’ve seen him make way for me. When it was impossible. I have seen firsthand – supernatural outcomes (some I will share in other posts). God is faithful. He’s better than a boyfriend, husband, best friend, anyone that you say is your ride or die partner. Patiently. He waits until that moment when you’re ready to receive truth. Not just receive. But ponder the message, and then begin to take actions to do what He is speaking to your heart; to do. Amazing. With this particular issue(s), I will have to learn to trust Him more on. The word Jeremiah 29:11 is a promise that I will be taking God up on. I want to see what He will do with this issue(s) when I fully surrender it to Him.

                                                   What issue are you struggling to release to God?

 Be inspired

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