Teens and Drug Abuse

Teens and Drug Abuse

Drug abuse can take you places you never thought you would go. Keep you in hostage with regrets for all the mistakes made along the way.

teens talking on a beach

What if God, said to you, “I knew before you were born the decisions you would make.” And that the decisions you made in abusing drugs would be used to encourage someone. Some one that will be crossing your life path. What would you say?

Turbulent teenage years, and my social scene was the starting point for my usage. In the 70s it was common and accepted as a passage of life in my neighborhood hangouts. But as a child, I had no idea of the repercussions that came along with drugs: marijuana, cocaine, taking valiums and shooting up (intravenous use).

The rate of drug overdose deaths increased from 1999 through 2019 for all groups aged 15 and over, although the patterns of increase varied by age group, with different rates of change over time. -- National Center for Health Statistics

Why teens use drugs?

Top 8 Reasons Why Teens Try Alcohol and Drugs, an article by Drug Free.Org lists potential reasons for children experimenting with substance abuse. “Other people, popular media, escapism, boredom, rebellion, instant gratification, lack of confidence, and misinformation.” A jewel of an article and I would recommend its reading. When I look at this list, I see me in every bullet point as a young substance abuser.

Drugs abused by teenagers.

According to MedicineNet.com the same drugs used by adults are used among teens. Some are “Club drugs, Hallucinogens, Narcotics, Stimulants, Cannabinoids, Tobacco, and others.” Their site reminds us that “Depending on how the body takes in and processes each kind of drug, substances of abuse can affect virtually every one of the body's systems." Examples of this include permanent brain damage associated with inhalants, heart attack or stroke from stimulants, halted breathing from sedatives. Any of these problems can result in death.

Teen Drug Abuse. Statistics -

Report highlights on Drug Use Among Youth: Facts & Statistics by NCDAS provide these numbers. And states there's “At least 1-in-8 teenagers abusing an illicit substance in the last year.”tics at state level. To see what your state numbers are start there.

  • Drug use among 8th graders increased 61% between 2016 and 2020.
  • By 12th grade, 62% of teenagers have abused alcohol.
  • 50% of teenagers have misused a drug at least once.
  • 43% of college students use illicit drugs.

    86% of teenagers know someone who smokes, drinks, or uses drugs during the school day.

    They offer statistics at state level. To see what your state numbers are, start there.

    Teen Substance Use & Risks

    The risks of substance abuse findings by CDC clearly reminds us, “Finally, the earlier teens start using substances, the greater their chances of continuing to use substances and developing substance use problems later in life. When teens begin drinking at an early age, they increase the chance of becoming addicted to or continuing to abuse substances later in life.” Common consequences are --

    • Affect the growth and development of teens, especially brain development.
    • Occur more frequently with other risky behaviors, such as unprotected sex and dangerous driving.
    • Contribute to the development of adult health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and sleep disorders.

      What happens to teens that use drugs?

      Substance use among adolescents increases the risk of unplanned pregnancies. Most United States teen pregnancies are unplanned; preconception substance use is a significant risk factor for unintended pregnancy (Finer and Zolna, 2013) and both teenage pregnancy and teenage substance use are national public health concerns targeted for improved outcomes (USHHS, Healthy People 2020)., which then increases the risk of fetal exposure to addictive, teratogenic substances.

      As we can see, teens and drug abuse usage can have lasting circumstances. Brain development interruptions. Lifelong consequences. Health issues. Unplanned pregnancies, and a host of sexual diseases from unprotective sexual acts, and on.

      Over 33+ years ago, in the throes of my addiction. I was living a dangerous journey. Places I should not have been. I was there. God sheltered me, in my ignorance. One incident, I had spent the entire day abusing drugs. Now, it was after midnight. The place I lived; I couldn’t go back too. A young man, working at one of the neighborhood stores. I had seen many times, was standing outside the store entry. Late that night. He asked me where I was going, and I told him – I didn’t have a place to lay my head. He worked at a mom-and-pop used appliance store. In the roughest part of town. He told me, that I could sleep there until the morning.

      I remember walking in and seeing TV’s, ovens, refrigerators and other appliances lined in rows. He led me to a corner in the store. In front of a TV. He gave me food, a pillow and blanket and told me to get some sleep. And then he gave me a referral to an organization that helped me. The next morning, I awaken, and he was sitting near me watching TV. I could see a large pistol laying on a prop nearby. We talked for a moment and then I left. Never once did I feel threaten.

      For some reason, I knew, he was a God send. Someone along my journey that cared, even if he didn’t know me personally. Now think about that. I don't know if he had a history of drug abuse or not. A bad situation could have occurred. I didn’t mention that he had sat there all night overlooking me. Watching and making sure, I was okay.

      Someone could have broken into the store and there would have been a big mess. Or weighting only 100 pounds at that time. He could have forced himself on me and raped me. And later, killed me and hid the body. He could have forced me to leave with him and taken me to another place and raped me. Or taken me to a friend’s house and allowed me to be ganged raped. So many situations could have occurred. But this young man did right by me. Yes. God looked after me. Even when my lifestyle didn’t warrant it. That experience will always be memorable for me.

       If you’re in recovery from drug abuse, I want you to know – there is purpose to your life.

       How has God delivered you out of dangerous situations?

      Be Inspired.

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