Why Grandmothers Are So Important

Why Grandmothers Are So Important

She is the matriach of the family. She makes a house, a home. Her tenderness and values are admirable. She finds time for us when momma is too busy. When she's gone, we miss her.

Grandmother and grand daughter

Have you ever noticed that grandmothers take the slack for their daughter(s)? Your mother. Grandmothers make time to give you the attention that you need. They are curious about your life. Ask questions. And help anyway that they can. You, the grandchild is a jewel to their eyes.

If nothing is going well, call your grandmother. - Italian Proverb/Goodhousekeeping

 What Is the Role of The Grandmother?

This article is extremely helpful on ideas on the role of grandparenting by Raisingchildren.net.au. Becoming A Grandparent. “For example, when a grandchild arrives, many people look forward to a new and important role in supporting their grandchild’s parents. This can range from practical support like cooking meals, to emotional support like listening to worries. Some grandparents are also keen to play a role in looking after their grandchildren. But if you want to take things more slowly to start with, that’s OK. The key thing is to be clear, honest and open about the support you can offer.”

Why Being a Grandparent Is So Special?

My favorite site, Focus on The Family explains the specialness of grandparents this way. Please read the entire article. “Grandparents can play a unique and significant role in the lives of their grandchildren.” Here are five gifts that engaged grandparents can give their grandkids: 5 Reasons Why Grandparents Are Important. “Unconditional love, perspective, stability, adventure, and connection.” Good, good stuff. Just love this ministry! Praise God.

What Are the Benefits of Having Grandparents?

“Grandparents provide a stable, safe, loving and fun environment for their grandchildren and the closeness between grandchildren and grandparents may keep older adults sharp, ward off depression, boost social connections, and solidify an important family relationship.” According to flushinghospital.org, Benefits of Grandparents Who Help Raise Grandchildren.

Grandmothers are so important in a child’s life.They are the backbone of a healthy society. And provide endless joys from spending time with grandparents. This role also is vital for parents. Giving them a break from responsibilities.

Personal experience -

Last night, I was thinking about my second grandmother. My biological grandmother passed away a few years earlier. I remember her being more in my life. What I would describe as a more hands on grandmother. I could always call her and hold a girl-talk conversation. She never judged me about being me. She loved me. She and my grandfather (a minister) often would come by my place, pick me up and take me for car drives.

We would have conversations. I would listen to and learn about life and their experiences. Sometimes, we would go and grab a treat (snack) and sit out in the car (eating the snack) and watch people going by. We would laugh a lot about different things, and they encouraged me a whole lot. I miss those days so much. They both are in heaven now. But these memories are special. In truth, it has been the only time in my life where I have experience authentic unconditional love.

I have mixed experiences growing up, with my biological grandmother. She was stern, strict, and downright mean. She had a hard life growing up. So, she was a fighter. She could carry her own! I’m told because of her long hair and looks, she faced constant opposition from other women. She was gorgeous! When she was a young woman, I hear that, she was that type of woman men drooled over. My grandfather (best granddad ever) worshiped her.

In my childhood years, I remember certain girls; she didn’t want me to play with. She always took me to church with her. As she began to age, she mellowed out quite a bit. I was then able to hold brief conversations with her. She tried, in the end to be more relaxed. But by then in my teenage years, she had developed cancer. The fight for life was no longer there. Eventually, she died. Her death ripped through our family with great sorrow. Her boys adored her. My mother well, that’s another story. She still has issues with her own experiences with her mother.

I remember seeing my grandmother at the hospital before she passed. I didn’t realize how much love I had for her until then. And it would be years later, after hearing more of her life story. That I began to put the pieces of the puzzle together. She was born in 1915. Her mother was blind. I remember her mother as a little girl being so sweet, in her blindness. I learned that her father was a hard worker. But seems had anger issues. Her father beat her when he was angry. Which was on-going if she was hungry.

Anything was a reason for a beating. Until he was gorged by their family bull. They were not poor, nor were rich. But living very well. At age 22, she married my grandfather and left home. I can see to some degree, why she was so protected and strict with me. Maybe it was her own life experiences in dealing with people that she wanted to shield me from. And from the mistakes, my own mother had made. Even so, it was a great opportunity to have loved a woman like my grandmother. I know that... it was out of her way of loving (the best she knew from her experiences) that she sacrificed for me and family.

What are your memories of grandma?   

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